Model SCERTS Preschool | Private Kindergarten Ursus Warsaw



We are a bilin­gu­al pre­scho­ol. In prac­ti­ce it means that one of the teacher in each gro­up talks to chil­dren only in English. Thanks to this solu­tion all chil­dren in our pre­scho­ol have con­tact with a fore­ign lan­gu­age thro­ugho­ut the who­le day – the lan­gu­age immer­sion method.

More­over lear­ning any fore­ign lan­gu­age only in a tra­di­tio­nal way of teaching can some­ti­mes be very mono­to­no­us espe­cial­ly for a pre­scho­ol age chil­dren. Main­ly becau­se chil­dren have a lot of new words and phra­ses to learn by heart which might be boring for them.

The lan­gu­age immer­sion method works dif­fe­ren­tly. In a short way it could be said that this tech­ni­que (method) invo­lves con­ti­nu­ous com­mu­ni­ca­tion in a selec­ted fore­ign lan­gu­age thro­ugho­ut the enti­re day. Nume­ro­us of a scien­ti­fic stu­dies also shown that lear­ning a fore­ign lan­gu­age in this par­ti­cu­lar way (immer­sion method) is high­ly effec­ti­ve. Lan­gu­age immer­sion method could be also descri­bed as acqu­iring a fore­ign lan­gu­age in its very natu­ral form – witho­ut the need to memo­ri­ze the indi­vi­du­al words and com­plex gram­ma­ti­cal struc­tu­res.

More­over the long-term liste­ning and spe­aking in a fore­ign lan­gu­age enga­ges a seve­ral sen­ses at the same time based on the pre­vio­usly men­tio­ned: poly­sen­so­ry sti­mu­la­tion and mul­ti­sen­so­ry cogni­tion. The­re­fo­re, over time lear­ning a fore­ign lan­gu­age beco­mes faster and easier for chil­dren. Chil­dren begin not only to spe­ak but also to think in English!

What’s more, during the free peer-play, chil­dren in our pre­scho­ol use almost exc­lu­si­ve­ly English-lan­gu­age teaching aids. Addi­tio­nal­ly (as a part of the tuition fee) we also con­duct a regu­lar eve­ry­day English-clas­ses under the super­vi­sion of a metho­do­lo­gist – always divi­ded into two age gro­ups. Altho­ugh, the huge num­ber of a scien­ti­fic rese­arch shows that the period of a high­ly-incre­ased deve­lop­ment of a human lan­gu­age-com­pe­ten­ces is appro­xi­ma­te­ly maxi­mum 5–6 years old.

The main principles of our activities:




Przedszkole Ursus Warszawa SCERTS

SCERTS | Kindergarten Ursus