Model SCERTS Preschool | Private Kindergarten Ursus Warsaw


Author’s Program in Kindergarten

We work accor­ding to our own pro­gram based on the scien­ti­fic rese­arch in the field of neu­ro­di­dac­tics and edu­ca­tion. Three key ele­ments which build our eve­ry­day pre­scho­ol-acti­vi­ty con­ta­ins: Social Com­mu­ni­ca­tion + Emo­tio­nal Regu­la­tion + Trans­ac­tio­nal Sup­port accor­ding to the SCERTS Model. We are a first edu­ca­tio­nal-insti­tu­tion of this type in Poland. We sub­ject our work to the con­stant super­vi­sion as well.

Accor­ding to the main assump­tions of the SCERTS Model Poland we are par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­re­sted in the deve­lop­ment of our pre­scho­ol chil­dre­n’s the com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills + social skills + emo­tio­nal com­pe­ten­ces + inter­per­so­nal skills. We are also clo­se to the design appro­ach + pas­sion for natu­re + the con­cept of immer­sion + deve­lop­ment of cri­ti­cal thin­king and final­ly edu­ca­tion thro­ugh move­ment and music (e.g. The Good Start Method by M. Bog­da­no­wicz + Acti­ve Liste­ning to Music by B. Strauss + Phy­si­cal Acti­vi­ty Pro­gram by M. Ch. Knill + Deve­lop­ment Move­ment Method by W. Sher­bor­ne + Mind­ful­ness + Yoga for chil­dren).

A very impor­tant aspect of our eve­ry­day work is also a poly­sen­so­ry appro­ach. The­re­fo­re the enti­re spa­ce and its equ­ip­ment in our pre­scho­ol have been very care­ful­ly plan­ned by a cer­ti­fied the­ra­pist accor­ding to the Sen­so­ry Inte­gra­tion (SI) method. We also try to pro­vi­de all chil­dren (espe­cial­ly chil­dren with ASD) with the gre­atest possi­ble sen­so­ry com­fort toge­ther with the mul­ti­sen­so­ry infor­ma­tion trans­fer chan­nel.

In a very short way it could be said that the model we pro­po­se is more a phi­lo­so­phy than a spe­ci­fic work method. It is also an attempt for a more holi­stic and mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry view of edu­ca­tion in Poland. This model uses only the non-direc­ti­ve methods from selec­ted edu­ca­tio­nal-tech­ni­qu­es such as for exam­ple: NVC / STEAM / MDS or Mon­tes­so­ri.

The main principles of our activities:




Przedszkole Ursus Warszawa SCERTS

SCERTS | Kindergarten Ursus