Model SCERTS Preschool | Private Kindergarten Ursus Warsaw


Heal­thy nutri­tion (cousin) is ano­ther very impor­tant ele­ment of our eve­ry­day work. We pay a spe­cial atten­tion to both: the quali­ty of all pro­ducts use (e.g. gro­ats, fru­its and vege­ta­bles, legu­mes, who­le gra­in flo­ur, pro­ducts rich in fibre and nutri­tio­nal value) and to the method of the­ir pre­pa­ra­tion – for exam­ple we avo­id fry­ing / bre­ading and adding the high­ly-pro­ces­sed pro­ducts. We limi­ted the use of salt to the mini­mum neces­sa­ry. We also do not use any whi­te sugar (we use ste­via or ery­th­ri­tol to swe­eten the dishes).

A heal­thy and well-balan­ced diet has in our opi­nion a posi­ti­ve impact on the phy­si­cal and men­tal (emo­tio­nal) health of chil­dren. A heal­thy diet also sup­ports a nerve cells and the pro­per bra­in deve­lop­ment. Ano­ther very impor­tant aspect of the heal­thy food (cuisi­ne) in our pre­scho­ol is to sha­pe a heal­thy eating habits in the futu­re. It is also worth to empha­si­ze that the pre­scho­ol period is a cri­ti­cal period for the deve­lop­ment of a spe­ci­fic-eating habits in our futu­re / adult lives. Deve­lo­ping the pro­per eating-habits is also a key ele­ment in the pre­ven­tion of obe­si­ty. Heal­thy eating-habits in the ear­ly chil­dho­od also has an impact on the meta­bo­lic-pro­gram­ming and the futu­re risk of a diet-rela­ted dise­ases such as dia­be­tes or heart dise­ase.

Check out our sample menu for kindergarten children

Mon­dayOat­me­al with apricot/cranberry and baked pear, tur­key pâté, pic­kled cucum­bers, but­ter, and home­ma­de buc­kwhe­at bre­ad with seeds.Ukra­inian bor­scht with red kid­ney beans.Free-ran­ge chic­ken with fresh vege­ta­bles in roast sau­ce + brown rice.Home­ma­de short­bre­ad with cher­ries and apple.
Tues­dayEgg paste and whi­te bean paste, toma­to / but­ter and home­ma­de buc­kwhe­at bre­ad with plum and cran­ber­ry.Gre­en bean cre­am soup.Vege­ta­ble rata­to­uil­le with pearl bar­ley.Rye flo­ur pan­ca­kes with rasp­ber­ry mous­se.
Wednes­dayCorn pan­ca­ke with cot­ta­ge che­ese and fru­its / gre­en pea paste, fresh pep­per, but­ter, and home­ma­de spelt bre­ad.Swe­et pota­to and boiled broc­co­li cre­am soup.Who­le-gra­in pasta with toma­to sau­ce.Home­ma­de natu­ral yogurt with forest fru­it mous­se and fresh apple pie­ces.
Thurs­dayMil­let por­rid­ge with ste­wed forest fru­its / red bean paste, gre­en cucum­ber, but­ter, and home­ma­de buc­kwhe­at bre­ad.Cucum­ber soup.Deli­ca­te chic­ken meat­balls with gre­en beans.Bana­na and cher­ry pud­ding with dark cho­co­la­te.
Fri­dayCot­ta­ge che­ese with radish and red len­til paste, pic­kled cucum­bers, but­ter, and home­ma­de buc­kwhe­at bre­ad.Vege­ta­ble soup with pump­kin.Blue whi­ting meat­balls + oat gro­ats / boiled beetro­ot salad.Glu­ten-free short­bre­ad cookies with cran­ber­ries.

It is also possi­ble to order a dairy-free and glu­ten-free diet — at no addi­tio­nal char­ge!

Each addi­tio­nal exc­lu­sion – addi­tio­nal fee!

The main principles of our activities:




Przedszkole Ursus Warszawa SCERTS

SCERTS | Kindergarten Ursus