Model SCERTS Preschool | Private Kindergarten Ursus Warsaw

Attachment Kindergarten — Ursus Warszawa


We are a small pre­scho­ol with an indi­vi­du­al appro­ach to each child. The­re are only two gro­ups in our pre­scho­ol. Each gro­up is num­be­ring for maxi­mum 14 – 15 chil­dren. The youn­ger gro­up is inten­ded for 3 and 4 year olds chil­dren and the older gro­up is inten­ded for 5 and 6 year olds chil­dren.

In each gro­up chil­dren are take care by at least two teachers inc­lu­ding one Nati­ve English-Spe­aker. Thanks to this solu­tion all chil­dren in our pre­scho­ol have con­tact with a fore­ign lan­gu­age (English) during the all day-stay.

Wor­king in a such small gro­up also allows our teachers and psy­cho­lo­gi­sts to listen care­ful­ly (empa­the­tic com­mu­ni­ca­tion) and build a real­ly clo­se rela­tion­ships with each child. All teachers have also a non-direc­ti­ve appro­ach to teaching which means in prac­ti­se an appro­ach that fol­lows the chil­dren. The main role of teacher in our pre­scho­ol is to sti­mu­la­te chil­dre­n’s natu­ral inte­re­sts and to help them to over­co­me the possi­ble deve­lop­men­tal dif­fi­cul­ties.

By assu­ming the role of an obse­rver our teachers give chil­dren the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deve­lop the­ir own distinc­ti­ve­ness and inde­pen­den­ce – at the time appro­pria­te for each child. In our opi­nion inde­pen­den­ce is a very impor­tant deve­lop­men­tal-need of eve­ry child. Chil­dren natu­ral­ly stri­ve to per­form many eve­ry­day acti­vi­ties on the­ir own.

On the other hand chil­dren learn best thro­ugh the­ir own actions and expe­rien­ce (known also as a mul­ti­sen­so­ry impres­sions or poly­sen­so­ry per­cep­tion). More­over the mul­ti­sen­so­ry sti­mu­la­tion (which means sti­mu­la­tion of many sen­ses at the same time) cau­ses the cre­ation of a new con­nec­tions betwe­en the nerve cells. And the more such a new neu­ro­nal-con­nec­tions in the bra­in, the more atten­ti­ve and per­cep­ti­ve the child beco­mes and (what’s even more impor­tant) the bet­ter is his or her futu­re aca­de­mic achie­ve­ments. The­se pro­ces­ses have the­ir neu­ro­phy­sio­lo­gi­cal basis at the level of cere­bral cor­tex and sub­cor­ti­cal cen­tres.

The­re­fo­re in our pre­scho­ol, teachers try to use as many mul­ti­sen­so­ry edu­ca­tio­nal-aids as possi­ble – edu­ca­tio­nal-aids that simul­ta­ne­ously enga­ge more than just one of the chil­d’s sen­ses as for instan­ce: sight and hearing vs. sight and touch vs. hearing and touch.

We invi­te also to see some of our sam­ple mul­ti­sen­so­ry edu­ca­tio­nal-aids in the tab:


In our pre­scho­ol we do not use a beha­vio­ural (ABA) sys­tem of penal­ties and rewards. All chil­dren in our pre­scho­ol have the obvio­us right to expe­rien­ce all the­ir emo­tions – inc­lu­ding the nega­ti­ve ones such as anger or sad­ness. We sup­port chil­dren in the­ir eve­ry­day emo­tions all the time.

We are also try­ing to ensu­re that our pre­scho­ol is always a pla­ce full of empa­thy and the mutu­al-respect. The­re­fo­re we are very clo­se to the main ide­as of the empa­the­tic com­mu­ni­ca­tion (NVC: Non Vio­lent Com­mu­ni­ca­tion) accor­ding to Mar­shall B. Rosen­berg + 8 basic prin­ci­ples based of Attach­ment Paren­ting accor­ding to Wil­lam and Mar­tha Sears, as well as selec­ted ide­as from Maria Mon­tes­so­ri­’s peda­go­gy like for exam­ple: order­ly and mini­ma­list spa­ce + selec­tion of toys and the teaching-aids incre­asing the auto­no­my of each child + lear­ning thro­ugh the sen­so­ry expe­rien­ce + giving chil­dren the obvio­us right to expe­rien­ce all emo­tions witho­ut try­ing to asses­sment them by adults + posi­ti­ve disci­pli­ne and final­ly the empa­thy / respect and mutu­al under­stan­ding.

We are always try­ing to give all chil­dren time and spa­ce for all the­ir emo­tions – but always with respec­ting other people­’s emo­tions at the same time. We con­stan­tly enco­ura­ge all chil­dren to build a mutu­al rela­tion­ships based on a friend­ship (LEAP: Lear­ning and Play­ing with Peers accor­ding to the SCERTS Model). As an high­ly inc­lu­si­ve pre­scho­ol we never exc­lu­de any­one becau­se of (for exam­ple): the­ir gen­der, the­ir skin colo­ur, disa­bi­li­ty or eth­ni­ci­ty. We tre­at eve­ry­one with empa­thy and mutu­al-respect and we try to teach our stu­dents the same eve­ry time.

We also try eve­ry sin­gle day to build a high self-este­em in our chil­dren – but always main­ta­ining the right balan­ce betwe­en being atten­ti­ve to the­ir own needs ver­sus being atten­ti­ve to the needs of other people / other chil­dren (NVC: empa­thic com­mu­ni­ca­tion).

For this pur­po­se we start each day with a mor­ning-circ­le acti­vi­ties during which all chil­dren have the safe spa­ce to tell us abo­ut the­ir feelings (emo­tions). The­se clas­ses are a per­ma­nent ele­ment of the eve­ry­day DALTON PLAN in our pre­scho­ol and are always con­duc­ted both in Polish and English. During this eve­ry­day mor­ning circ­le-clas­ses and during other eve­ry­day pre­scho­ol-acti­vi­ties we work real­ly hard to ensu­re that all chil­dren in our pre­scho­ol feel impor­tant mem­bers of the­ir peer gro­up (LEAP) as well.

The main principles of our activities:




Przedszkole Ursus Warszawa SCERTS

SCERTS | Kindergarten Ursus