Model SCERTS Preschool | Private Kindergarten Ursus Warsaw


Psychologist’s care in kindergarten

We have many years of pro­fes­sio­nal expe­rien­ce in wor­king with chil­dren who requ­ire an indi­vi­du­al appro­ach and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal sup­port. We coope­ra­te on a daily basis with many spe­cia­li­sts such as (for exam­ple): a child-psy­cho­lo­gi­sts + the edu­ca­tio­nal-the­ra­pi­sts + the sen­so­ry inte­gra­tion-the­ra­pi­sts + the spe­ech-the­ra­pi­sts and even with a doctor of medi­cal scien­ces.

Thro­ugh the regu­lar Social-Skills Tra­inings (TUS) and the Psy­cho-Social Skills Tra­inings (TUPS) with psy­cho­lo­gi­sts we take care of com­pre­hen­si­ve cogni­ti­ve-social-emo­tio­nal deve­lop­ment of chil­dren, espe­cial­ly the shy-chil­dren, high­ly-sen­si­ti­ve chil­dren, chil­dren with sen­so­ry modu­la­tion disor­ders (SI) and espe­cial­ly chil­dren with ASD (autism spec­trum disor­der).

Thro­ugh the regu­lar TUS / TUPS clas­ses we also try to build a men­tal-resi­lien­ce in our stu­dents to live in a recen­tly chan­ging quic­kly world (e.g. epi­de­mic). More­over by reco­gni­zing and naming the basic emo­tions, small chil­dren learn to reco­gni­ze cor­rec­tly the­ir own feelings and the feelings of other people (empa­thy). Whi­le wor­king on emo­tions we use for instan­ce the main assump­tions of the mind-reading the­ory / the­ory of cen­tral cohe­ren­ce accor­ding to: Baron-Cohen, Leslie, Firth (1985).

Appro­pria­te emo­tio­nal sta­bi­li­ty is also (accor­ding to scien­ti­sts) an essen­tial and key ele­ment ena­bling chil­dren to absorb new infor­ma­tion from the envi­ron­ment (neu­ro­di­dac­tics). The aim of a pro­per emo­tio­nal regu­la­tion in our pre­scho­ol (TUS / TUPS) is also to pre­pa­re chil­dren to deal with the­ir posi­ti­ve ver­sus nega­ti­ve emo­tions in the futu­re.

More­over accor­ding to scien­ti­sts: eve­ry living orga­nism stri­ves for an opti­mal sta­te of emo­tio­nal aro­usal (home­osta­sis) becau­se only such an opti­mi­zed sta­te of emo­tio­nal aro­usal allows us to adapt pro­per­ly to the requ­ire­ments of eve­ry­day life. We can also com­pa­re the opti­mal sta­te of emo­tio­nal aro­usal (home­osta­sis) to a psy­cho­lo­gi­cal con­struct cal­led: FLOW. The­re­fo­re bro­adly under­sto­od men­tal well-being of the pre­scho­olers is one of our main pil­lar to work with – Emo­tio­nal Regu­la­tion accor­ding to the SCERTS Model.

The main principles of our activities:




Przedszkole Ursus Warszawa SCERTS

SCERTS | Kindergarten Ursus