Model SCERTS Preschool | Private Kindergarten Ursus Warsaw



Our pre­scho­ol has a pri­va­te and ful­ly fen­ced play­gro­und, only 100 meters from the kin­der­gar­ten! We real­ly would like all chil­dren to spend time out­do­ors eve­ry day – regar­dless of the weather con­di­tions out­si­de! For this pur­po­se we ask parents to pro­vi­de chil­dren with the rain­co­ats.

Our play­gro­und inc­lu­des for exam­ple: a safe sur­fa­ce, sen­so­ry paths, a ful­ly equ­ip­ped mud kit­chen, a cove­red sand­box, a sli­de and the mini-clim­bing wall for chil­dren. We also have a lar­ge fol­da­ble umbrel­la to pro­tect chil­dren from sun and rain.

Play­ing toge­ther out­si­de gives chil­dren fre­edom and spa­ce which is very impor­tant to them as well in our opi­nion. During tho­se eve­ry­day out­do­or acti­vi­ties chil­dren can for exam­ple: run, climb and deve­lop the­ir own cre­ati­vi­ty. Play­ing toge­ther on the play­gro­und is also an ide­al time to build a good rela­tion­ships with peers (LEAP). Daily time out­si­de-acti­vi­ties com­bi­ned with the heal­thy-cuisi­ne is the best way to build a natu­ral health immu­ni­ty in a pre­scho­ol chil­dren.

The main principles of our activities:




Przedszkole Ursus Warszawa SCERTS

SCERTS | Kindergarten Ursus