Model SCERTS Preschool | Private Kindergarten Ursus Warsaw


SCERTS Kindergarten Ursus | Private kindergarten Warsaw

What makes Us spe­cial?

We are a small pre­scho­ol with an indi­vi­du­al appro­ach to each child. The­re are only two gro­ups in our pre­scho­ol. Each gro­up is num­be­ring for maxi­mum 14 – 15 chil­dren. The youn­ger gro­up is inten­ded for 3 and 4 year olds chil­dren and the older gro­up is inten­ded for 5 and 6 year olds chil­dren.

We are a bilin­gu­al pre­scho­ol. In prac­ti­ce it means that one of the teacher in each gro­up talks to chil­dren only in English. Thanks to this solu­tion all chil­dren in our pre­scho­ol have con­tact with a fore­ign lan­gu­age thro­ugho­ut the who­le day – the lan­gu­age immer­sion method.

In our pre­scho­ol we do not use a beha­vio­ural (ABA) sys­tem of penal­ties and rewards. All chil­dren in our pre­scho­ol have the obvio­us right to expe­rien­ce all the­ir emo­tions – inc­lu­ding the nega­ti­ve ones such as anger or sad­ness. We sup­port chil­dren in the­ir eve­ry­day emo­tions all the time.

Heal­thy nutri­tion (cousin) is ano­ther very impor­tant ele­ment of our eve­ry­day work. We pay a spe­cial atten­tion to both: the quali­ty of all pro­ducts use (e.g. gro­ats, fru­its and vege­ta­bles, legu­mes, who­le gra­in flo­ur, pro­ducts rich in fibre and nutri­tio­nal value) and to the method of the­ir pre­pa­ra­tion – for exam­ple we avo­id fry­ing / bre­ading and adding the high­ly-pro­ces­sed pro­ducts. We limi­ted the use of salt to the mini­mum neces­sa­ry. We also do not use any whi­te sugar (we use ste­via or ery­th­ri­tol to swe­eten the dishes).

Our pre­scho­ol has a pri­va­te and ful­ly fen­ced play­gro­und, only 100 meters from the kin­der­gar­ten! We real­ly would like all chil­dren to spend time out­do­ors eve­ry day – regar­dless of the weather con­di­tions out­si­de! For this pur­po­se we ask parents to pro­vi­de chil­dren with the rain­co­ats.

We have many years of pro­fes­sio­nal expe­rien­ce in wor­king with chil­dren who requ­ire an indi­vi­du­al appro­ach and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal sup­port. We coope­ra­te on a daily basis with many spe­cia­li­sts such as (for exam­ple): a child-psy­cho­lo­gi­sts + the edu­ca­tio­nal-the­ra­pi­sts + the sen­so­ry inte­gra­tion-the­ra­pi­sts + the spe­ech-the­ra­pi­sts and even with a doctor of medi­cal scien­ces.

We work accor­ding to our own pro­gram based on the scien­ti­fic rese­arch in the field of neu­ro­di­dac­tics and edu­ca­tion. Three key ele­ments which build our eve­ry­day pre­scho­ol-acti­vi­ty con­ta­ins: Social Com­mu­ni­ca­tion + Emo­tio­nal Regu­la­tion + Trans­ac­tio­nal Sup­port accor­ding to the SCERTS Model. We are a first edu­ca­tio­nal-insti­tu­tion of this type in Poland. 

Each toy and each edu­ca­tio­nal-aid used in our pre­scho­ol has been care­ful­ly selec­ted by a team of spe­cia­li­sts. We only use toys made of natu­ral mate­rials (e.g. glass, wood, eco-pla­stic). In our pre­scho­ol, the­re are no colo­ur­ful and play­ing toys that could adver­se­ly affect the nervo­us sys­tem of a pre­scho­ol chil­dren. 

Thanks to a com­pre­hen­si­ve socio-emo­tio­nal deve­lop­ment pro­gram (e.g. con­stant psy­cho­lo­gi­cal care in each gro­up), our faci­li­ty is a par­ti­cu­lar­ly frien­dly pla­ce for chil­dren who requ­ire a sli­gh­tly more indi­vi­du­al appro­ach. We have many years of pro­fes­sio­nal expe­rien­ce in wor­king with pre­scho­ol chil­dren, inc­lu­ding chil­dren with vario­us deve­lop­men­tal chal­len­ges.

The main principles of our activities:




Przedszkole Ursus Warszawa SCERTS

SCERTS | Kindergarten Ursus