Model SCERTS Preschool | Private Kindergarten Ursus Warsaw

Why us?

We are a pla­ce of a high­ly inno­va­ti­ve edu­ca­tion. We are the first non-public pre­scho­ol in Poland con­duc­ted accor­ding to the main assump­tions of the SCERTS Model (USA).

The main principles of our activities:




Our pre­scho­ol is loca­ted in the Ursus district of War­saw in the Sko­ro­sze housing esta­te near a shop­ping mall. We have a fen­ced play­gro­und with a mud kit­chen and other spe­cial attrac­tions for chil­dren in the pre­scho­ol age.

We imple­ment the core cur­ri­cu­lum for pre­scho­ol edu­ca­tion accor­ding to the cur­rent guide­li­nes of the Mini­stry of Natio­nal Edu­ca­tion (MEN) enri­ching it with a varie­ty of addi­tio­nal clas­ses such as: Good Start Method (MDS) + Social Skills Tra­inings (TUS) + Psy­cho-Social Skills Tra­inings (TUPS) + Natu­re clas­ses inc­lu­ding vario­us acti­vi­ties with ani­mals + STEAM (Scien­ce + Tech­no­lo­gy + Engi­ne­ering + Art + Mathe­ma­tics) + Sen­so­ry Expe­ri­ments – all inc­lu­ded in the tuition fee.

As part of regular sensory experiments (within physical and chemical experiments) in the 2024/2025 school year we have already planned:

Slime with kinetic sand

Volcano of Emotions

UV lamb experiments

Dry Ice


Mobius Strip

Descartes’ Diver

Newton’s Shield

Experiments with water

Mers and Polymers

Sea Foam


Apart from the regu­lar tuition fee we do not char­ge any addi­tio­nal fees for chil­dre­n’s par­ti­ci­pa­tion in some extra acti­vi­ties we orga­ni­ze within and out­si­de the pre­scho­ol (e.g. joint trips to the scien­ce park).

We of cour­se con­duct the daily the­ma­tic clas­ses (cur­ri­cu­lum) from the year-round edu­ca­tio­nal plan – accor­ding to the Mini­stry of Natio­nal Edu­ca­tion (MEN) in Poland. Howe­ver we always try to main­ta­in the accu­ra­te balan­ce in betwe­en chil­dre­n’s free (peer) play and with more orga­ni­zed edu­ca­tion. 

And also becau­se eve­ry toy in our pre­scho­ol had been care­ful­ly selec­ted by a gro­up of spe­cia­li­sts, this chil­dre­n’s free (peer) play has a more or less edu­ca­tio­nal dimen­sion as well – accor­ding to our main prin­ci­ple: LEARNING THROUGH PLAY!

We also con­duct a regu­lar English-clas­ses inc­lu­ded in the tuition fee.

Przedszkole Ursus Warszawa SCERTS

SCERTS | Kindergarten Ursus