Model SCERTS Preschool | Private Kindergarten Ursus Warsaw


We have many years of expe­rien­ce in work with chil­dren in the pre­scho­ol age espe­cial­ly chil­dren with a vario­us deve­lop­men­tal chal­len­ges. We coope­ra­te on a per­ma­nent basis with many spe­cia­li­sts such as (for exam­ple): child psy­cho­lo­gi­sts, spe­cial-edu­ca­tors, spe­ech-the­ra­pi­sts, sen­so­ry inte­gra­tion the­ra­pi­sts.

The SCERTS Model is also well known model to work with ASD in the USA. In our pre­scho­ol chil­dren with ASD can imple­ment all the­ir recom­men­da­tions from the PPP and WWRD up to the tuition fee. It is also possi­ble to car­ry out all the the­ra­py needed (e.g. psy­cho­lo­gist + spe­ech-the­ra­pist + Sen­so­ry Inte­gra­tion) ful­ly finan­ced by our pre­scho­ol in almost all pla­ces indi­ca­ted by the parent in War­saw and in the sur­ro­un­ding are­as. We con­si­der each case indi­vi­du­al­ly with the maxi­mum possi­ble effec­ti­ve­ness of our com­pre­hen­si­ve edu­ca­tio­nal and the­ra­peu­tic inte­rven­tions. For people inte­re­sted in our pre­scho­ol who have noti­ced some distur­bing signals (symp­toms) in the­ir child, we also have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­duct a free spe­cia­list con­sul­ta­tion accor­ding to ADOS‑2 (Autism Dia­gno­stic Obse­rva­tion Sche­du­le) with a psy­cho­lo­gist.

Przedszkole Ursus Warszawa SCERTS

SCERTS | Kindergarten Ursus