Model SCERTS Preschool | Private Kindergarten Ursus Warsaw

The privacy policy outlines the principles of how we process information about you, including personal data and cookies.


1. Gene­ral Infor­ma­tion

This poli­cy applies to the websi­te ope­ra­ting under the URL: The servi­ce ope­ra­tor and the data con­trol­ler is: ODIS ŚWIATA CIEKAWI MAGDALENA PYTEL, ul. Buko­wiń­ska 10 lok. 236, 02–703 War­saw, Poland. The ope­ra­to­r’s con­tact ema­il address is:

The ope­ra­tor is the con­trol­ler of your per­so­nal data pro­vi­ded volun­ta­ri­ly on the websi­te. The websi­te uses per­so­nal data for the fol­lo­wing pur­po­ses:

  • Mana­ging the new­slet­ter
  • Run­ning an onli­ne forum
  • Con­duc­ting onli­ne chat conver­sa­tions
  • Han­dling inqu­iries via a con­tact form
  • Ful­fil­ling orde­red servi­ces
  • Pre­sen­ting offers or infor­ma­tion

The websi­te gathers infor­ma­tion abo­ut users and the­ir beha­vior in the fol­lo­wing ways:

  • Thro­ugh data volun­ta­ri­ly ente­red in forms, which are ente­red into the ope­ra­to­r’s sys­tems.
  • By sto­ring cookies on users’ devi­ces.

2. Selec­ted Data Pro­tec­tion Methods Used by the Ope­ra­tor

Login and data entry points are pro­tec­ted at the trans­mis­sion lay­er (SSL cer­ti­fi­ca­te). This ensu­res that per­so­nal data and login infor­ma­tion ente­red on the site are encryp­ted on the use­r’s com­pu­ter and can only be read on the tar­get server. Per­so­nal data sto­red in the data­ba­se is encryp­ted in such a way that only the ope­ra­tor with the key can read it, pro­vi­ding pro­tec­tion in case of data­ba­se theft from the server. User pas­swords are sto­red in a hashed form, which can­not be rever­sed, ali­gning with modern stan­dards for pas­sword sto­ra­ge.

The ope­ra­tor perio­di­cal­ly chan­ges admi­ni­stra­ti­ve pas­swords. To pro­tect data, the ope­ra­tor regu­lar­ly backs up the data. An essen­tial ele­ment of data pro­tec­tion is the regu­lar upda­ting of all softwa­re used by the ope­ra­tor for per­so­nal data pro­ces­sing, inc­lu­ding regu­lar upda­tes of softwa­re com­po­nents.

3. Hosting

The websi­te is hosted on the servers of the ope­ra­tor: The hosting com­pa­ny logs infor­ma­tion at the server level to ensu­re tech­ni­cal relia­bi­li­ty. Logs may inc­lu­de:

  • Reso­ur­ces iden­ti­fied by URL (addres­ses of requ­ested reso­ur­ces – pages, files)
  • Time of the requ­est
  • Time of sen­ding the respon­se
  • The client sta­tio­n’s name – iden­ti­fied via the HTTP pro­to­col
  • Infor­ma­tion abo­ut errors that occur­red during the exe­cu­tion of the HTTP trans­ac­tion
  • The URL of the pre­vio­usly visi­ted page (refer­rer link) if the trans­i­tion to the websi­te was made via a link
  • Infor­ma­tion abo­ut the use­r’s brow­ser
  • Infor­ma­tion abo­ut the IP address
  • Dia­gno­stic infor­ma­tion rela­ted to the self-orde­ring of servi­ces via websi­te recor­ders
  • Infor­ma­tion rela­ted to the han­dling of ema­il cor­re­spon­den­ce direc­ted to or sent by the ope­ra­tor.

4. Your Rights and Addi­tio­nal Infor­ma­tion on Data Usa­ge

In some situ­ations, the con­trol­ler has the right to trans­fer your per­so­nal data to other reci­pients if neces­sa­ry for the per­for­man­ce of a con­tract or to ful­fill obli­ga­tions impo­sed on the con­trol­ler. This applies to such gro­ups of reci­pients as:

  • The hosting com­pa­ny, under a data pro­ces­sing agre­ement
  • Couriers
  • Postal ope­ra­tors
  • Law firms and debt col­lec­tors
  • Pay­ment ope­ra­tors
  • Public autho­ri­ties
  • Onli­ne chat servi­ce ope­ra­tors
  • Autho­ri­zed employ­ees and asso­cia­tes who use the data to achie­ve the websi­te­’s objec­ti­ves
  • Com­pa­nies pro­vi­ding mar­ke­ting servi­ces on behalf of the con­trol­ler

Your per­so­nal data is pro­ces­sed by the con­trol­ler no lon­ger than neces­sa­ry for the acti­vi­ties rela­ted to them as spe­ci­fied by sepa­ra­te regu­la­tions (e.g., acco­un­ting regu­la­tions). For mar­ke­ting data, pro­ces­sing will not exce­ed three years.

You have the right to requ­est from the con­trol­ler:

  • Access to your per­so­nal data
  • Cor­rec­tion
  • Dele­tion
  • Restric­tion of pro­ces­sing
  • Data por­ta­bi­li­ty

You have the right to object to the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data under point 3.2, inc­lu­ding pro­fi­ling, for the pur­po­ses of the con­trol­le­r’s legi­ti­ma­te inte­re­sts, but the objec­tion can­not be exer­ci­sed if the­re are legi­ti­ma­te gro­unds for pro­ces­sing that over­ri­de your inte­re­sts, rights, and fre­edoms, par­ti­cu­lar­ly for esta­bli­shing, pur­su­ing, or defen­ding cla­ims.

You have the right to file a com­pla­int with the Pre­si­dent of the Per­so­nal Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­ce, ul. Staw­ki 2, 00–193 War­saw, Poland. Pro­vi­ding per­so­nal data is volun­ta­ry but neces­sa­ry to ope­ra­te the websi­te. Auto­ma­ted deci­sion-making, inc­lu­ding pro­fi­ling, may take pla­ce regar­ding you to pro­vi­de servi­ces under the agre­ement and for direct mar­ke­ting by the con­trol­ler. Per­so­nal data is not trans­fer­red to third coun­tries as defi­ned in per­so­nal data pro­tec­tion regu­la­tions, meaning it is not sent out­si­de the Euro­pe­an Union.

5. Infor­ma­tion in Forms

The websi­te col­lects infor­ma­tion volun­ta­ri­ly pro­vi­ded by the user, inc­lu­ding per­so­nal data, if pro­vi­ded. The websi­te may save infor­ma­tion abo­ut con­nec­tion para­me­ters (time­stamp, IP address). In some cases, the websi­te may save infor­ma­tion to help link data in a form to the use­r’s ema­il address. In such cases, the use­r’s ema­il address appe­ars insi­de the URL of the page con­ta­ining the form. Data pro­vi­ded in a form is pro­ces­sed for pur­po­ses resul­ting from the spe­ci­fic for­m’s func­tion, e.g., for servi­cing a servi­ce requ­est or busi­ness con­tact, regi­ste­ring servi­ces, etc. Each time, the con­text and descrip­tion of the form cle­ar­ly inform what it is used for.

6. Admi­ni­stra­tor Logs

User beha­vior infor­ma­tion on the websi­te may be sub­ject to log­ging. This data is used to admi­ni­ster the websi­te.

7. Impor­tant Mar­ke­ting Tech­ni­qu­es

The ope­ra­tor uses sta­ti­sti­cal traf­fic ana­ly­sis on the websi­te via Google Ana­ly­tics (Google Inc. based in the USA). The ope­ra­tor does not pro­vi­de per­so­nal data to the ope­ra­tor of this servi­ce, only ano­ny­mi­zed infor­ma­tion. The servi­ce relies on the use of cookies on the use­r’s end devi­ce. Regar­ding user pre­fe­ren­ces gathe­red by Google­’s adver­ti­sing network, the user can view and edit infor­ma­tion deri­ved from cookies using the tool:

The ope­ra­tor uses remar­ke­ting tech­ni­qu­es to tailor adver­ti­sing mes­sa­ges to user beha­vior on the site, which may cre­ate the illu­sion that the use­r’s per­so­nal data is being used for trac­king, but in prac­ti­ce, no per­so­nal data is trans­fer­red from the ope­ra­tor to adver­ti­sers. The tech­ni­cal con­di­tion for such actions is the ena­bled cookie sup­port.

The ope­ra­tor uses the Face­bo­ok pixel. This tech­no­lo­gy ensu­res that Face­bo­ok (Face­bo­ok Inc., based in the USA) knows that a regi­ste­red per­son is using the websi­te. This is based on data for which Face­bo­ok is the con­trol­ler; the ope­ra­tor does not pro­vi­de any addi­tio­nal per­so­nal data to Face­bo­ok. The servi­ce is based on the use of cookies on the use­r’s end devi­ce.

The ope­ra­tor uses solu­tions that exa­mi­ne user beha­vior by cre­ating heat maps and recor­ding beha­vior on the site. This infor­ma­tion is ano­ny­mi­zed befo­re it is sent to the servi­ce ope­ra­tor so that they do not know which phy­si­cal per­son it con­cerns. In par­ti­cu­lar, pas­swords and other per­so­nal data ente­red are not sub­ject to recor­ding.

The ope­ra­tor uses solu­tions that auto­ma­te the website’s ope­ra­tion con­cer­ning users, e.g., it may send an ema­il to the user after visi­ting a spe­ci­fic sub­pa­ge, pro­vi­ded that the user has con­sen­ted to rece­ive com­mer­cial cor­re­spon­den­ce from the ope­ra­tor.

8. Infor­ma­tion Abo­ut Cookies

The websi­te uses cookies. Cookies are IT data, in par­ti­cu­lar text files, sto­red in the use­r’s end devi­ce and inten­ded for using the websi­te. Cookies typi­cal­ly con­ta­in the name of the websi­te they come from, the time they are sto­red on the end devi­ce, and a uni­que num­ber. The enti­ty pla­cing cookies on the use­r’s end devi­ce and acces­sing them is the websi­te ope­ra­tor.

Cookies are used for the fol­lo­wing pur­po­ses:

  • Main­ta­ining the use­r’s ses­sion (after log­ging in), so the user does not have to re-enter login and pas­sword on each sub­pa­ge of the websi­te.
  • Imple­men­ting the pur­po­ses descri­bed abo­ve in the “Impor­tant Mar­ke­ting Tech­ni­qu­es” sec­tion.

The websi­te uses two fun­da­men­tal types of cookies: “ses­sion” (ses­sion cookies) and “per­si­stent” (per­si­stent cookies). Ses­sion cookies are tem­po­ra­ry files sto­red on the use­r’s devi­ce until they log out, leave the websi­te, or clo­se the brow­ser. Per­si­stent cookies are sto­red on the use­r’s devi­ce for the time spe­ci­fied in the cookie para­me­ters or until the user dele­tes them.

Web brow­sers typi­cal­ly allow cookies to be sto­red on the use­r’s end devi­ce by default. Users of the websi­te can chan­ge the­ir set­tings in this regard. The web brow­ser allows the dele­tion of cookies. It is also possi­ble to auto­ma­ti­cal­ly block cookies. Deta­iled infor­ma­tion on this topic is ava­ila­ble in the help or docu­men­ta­tion of the web brow­ser.

Limi­ting the use of cookies may affect some func­tio­na­li­ties ava­ila­ble on the websi­te.

Cookies pla­ced on the use­r’s end devi­ce may also be used by enti­ties coope­ra­ting with the websi­te ope­ra­tor, par­ti­cu­lar­ly by com­pa­nies: Google (Google Inc., based in the USA), Face­bo­ok (Face­bo­ok Inc., based in the USA), Twit­ter (Twit­ter Inc., based in the USA).

9. Mana­ging Cookies – How to Express and With­draw Con­sent in Prac­ti­ce

If the user does not want to rece­ive cookies, they can chan­ge the brow­ser set­tings. We rese­rve that disa­bling cookies essen­tial for authen­ti­ca­tion pro­ces­ses, secu­ri­ty, or main­ta­ining user pre­fe­ren­ces may hin­der, and in extre­me cases may pre­vent, the use of websi­tes.

To mana­ge cookie set­tings, select the web brow­ser you use from the list below and fol­low the instruc­tions:


Mobi­le devi­ces: